Dairyu with his Hossu and Inryu with her fan.
Our neighboring DC Sangha, All Beings Zen, just celebrated their resident priest's Shuso Hossen ceremony on April 24th, 2016. A small contingent from No Barriers Zen Temple was in attendance to help mark the occasion.
Bobbi Inryu Ponce-Barger was shuso (head student) for this recent ango (practice period). She led her community through this recent practice period which culminated in a ceremony to mark her transitioning to senior student. Her teacher, Dairyu Michael Wenger, came from California to guide the ceremony and celebrate with the sangha. During the ceremony Ōshin stepped in and served as Shoki, or as the SFZC lineage calls it, the MRFS, "the most recent former shuso"! The lineage differences are always most apparent in the liturgy, but Ōshin embraced his duties and under Dairyu-sensei's guidance the ceremony was permeated with playful energy.
Rev. Ōshin and Rev. Wakoh stand beside Rev. Inryu, the new senior student.
Our own Rev. Ōshin had sat with Dairyu Wenger-sensei over a dozen years ago, and thoroughly enjoyed seeing him again. Once ceremonial duties were over Dairyu and Ōshin had a chance to celebrate together and catch up.
Also in attendance was Rev. Wakoh from Baltimore and NBZ's own Connor Giyū Gillis, who helped with interpretation duties for Ōshin. Inryu's new senior student status is a wonderful addition to the greater DC sangha, and the city as a whole. Congratulations, Inryu-san!
The All Beings Zen sangha, friends, and family.