Supporting our Work

image description: a statue of a bodhisattva holding forth a plate with offerings.

image description: a statue of a bodhisattva holding forth a plate with offerings.


We have several options for those who wish to donate to our work. We are grateful for any generosity!

What can we grow together?

QR code to donate through Zelle

QR code to donate through PayPal


Click below for one-time or monthly donations through PayPal’s website.

image description: a selection from the Choju Jinbutsu GIga scroll showing a monkey priest praying to a frog Buddha.

image description: a selection from the Choju Jinbutsu GIga scroll showing a monkey priest praying to a frog Buddha.

Wish List

Support No Barriers Zen in our accessibility efforts by helping us purchase temple supplies and equipment for accommodations.

image description: a blurred black and white photo of Ōshin mopping a wooden floor.

image description: a blurred black and white photo of Ōshin mopping a wooden floor.


Want to help in other ways? We are always looking for volunteers to share there skills with us:
• Photography
• Sewing
• ASL interpretation
• Non-profit legal services
• Accounting
• Transcription and captioning
• Social Media