Conference Report!

Last weekend Gallaudet hosted two different conferences, the Liturgical Interpreting Conference and the sixth annual President's Interfaith and Community Service Campus Challenge. Members of the No Barriers Zen sangha were able to attend both conferences, and join the many interpreters, clergy, and chaplains on campus. Oshin was able to attend both conferences as well as having a well attended presentation on the last day of the Liturgical Interpreting Conference. He share these pics: 

Rev. Dr. Kirk VanGilder, Eboo Patel, and Rev. Oshin Jennings

Rev. Dr. Kirk VanGilder, Eboo Patel, and Rev. Oshin Jennings

Fellow Zen Buddhist Chaplain Rev. Jikyo Bonnie Shoultz and Rev. Oshin Jennings

Fellow Zen Buddhist Chaplain Rev. Jikyo Bonnie Shoultz and Rev. Oshin Jennings

A double image of Oshin presenting, the left image Oshin can be seen signing "Buddhist".

A double image of Oshin presenting, the left image Oshin can be seen signing "Buddhist".