NBZ Benedictine Sisters of Virginia Silo and Labyrinth in the Woods

Fall 2021 Sesshin

Join Rev. Ōshin Jennings and the NBZ Sangha for a 5-day residential sesshin (retreat) in Bristow, VA. Experience the deep stillness of a Zen sesshin in peaceful surroundings with a warm and diverse community.

Offering a flexible schedule that is welcoming to first-time retreatants, but with ample opportunities for rigorous practice as well. Daily Dharma talks, individualized guidance, yoga practice, and vegetarian meals, all amidst a contemplative and accessible monastery grounds.

Fall 2021 Sesshin

Full Sesshin:
Wed. Evening, Sept. 29th 6pm - Sunday Nov. 3rd 1pm.

Weekend Only Option:
Friday evening Nov. 1st -
Sunday Nov. 3rd

Commuter Option:

Online option:

Scholarships available for…


St. Cecilia Guest House
(At St. Benedict Monastery)
9501 Linton Hall Rd.
Bristow, VA 20136

Registration Form

To join us in this practice opportunity please fill out this registration form. Registration is open to anyone who wishes to join with us and build this experience of intensive practice.

Proof of vaccination is required for joining us in person…

If state or federal mandate dictates we need to cancel a full refund…

Our space for this intimate retreat is limited, please don’t hesitate.

If you would like any assistance with this registration form or have questions, feel free to contact us: